Estonia On The Seine

(Estonie sur Seine)
Roger Gariépy
Canada, France


A Parisian bus. Its passengers. Evasive glances, polite silence: the well-regulated codes of cohabitation between travelers, confined together for the duration of a journey. Then an incident, a tiny grain of sand, will disrupt this fragile ecosystem. The tension rises and the thin veneer of civility cracks.



FICFA - Festival international du cinéma francophone en Acadie, Canada, 2023

Festival du film court francophone [Un Poing C'est Court], France, 2024

Cinema on the Bayou, USA, 2024

Courts d'un soir, Canada, 2024

Dawson City Film Festival, Canada, 2024

Festival Les Percéides, Canada, 2024

Estonia On The Seine

Available on:

Director: Roger Gariépy

Script: Roger Gariepy, Andre Paradis

Cast: Alex Fondzha, Nastya Buzdeina, Pavlo Zhupanyn

DOP: Michel Abramowicz

Editor: Mathieu Bouchard-Malo

Sound: Pierre Carlier

Music: Jeannot Bournival

Production: Odile McDonald


French original
English subtitles


1:66/5.1 or stereo
DCP, Prores, H264

Roger Gariépy
Roger Gariépy

A graduate of the Ecole cantonale d'art de Lausanne (ECAL), Roger Gariépy has made his mark in the world of advertising. His career has taken him from Bos advertising agency, where he was a partner, to Tokyo, where he was a member of the creative management committee of the Dentsu group. Inducted into the A2C Hall of Fame (the Association of Quebec Creative Agencies), he is responsible for some memorable advertising campaigns and has left an indelible mark on the industry. Following the sale of his company to the Dentsu group, Roger Gariépy devoted himself to making short films. At the same time, he is the founder and artistic director of the "Court sur Place" short film festival, which presents an annual retrospective of films from Quebec, Canada and around the world. The event is held at La Petite Place des Arts in Saint-Mathieu-du-Parc, Mauricie.

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